This week’s blog post is on Inclusive Design and the aspects to consider when creating an interactive learning resource (IRL). You may be wondering, what is inclusive design?  Inclusive design considers “a full range of human diversity with the respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and [all] other forms of human differences”(Chandrashekar, 2021). Out of the 7+ billion people in the world, we must consider more than the traditional approach to teaching. For instance, one may find a particular activity simple and intuitive while others may find it complex and difficult. Therefore, designing an inclusive interactive learning resource that meets the needs of a range of perspectives of students will be most superior as everyone is being treated fairly and everyone is given the same shot to achieve their goals. 

Our pod specifically chose to target the English Language Learners (ELL) and Single-parents in our interactive learning resource. To fulfill these groups’ needs, we designed our course to be held online to allow and encourage students geographically far to be able to attend lectures (especially during the COVID-19 times). Not only do online classes meet the needs for out-of-country students, but it is also shown to be more effective in learning for both ELL and single parents (Schwartz, 2020). Some students may lack the vocabulary/literacy skills needed to retain all the information in traditional classroom setting therefore, the online setting allows ELL students to grasp all the information at their own pace. Single-parents also benefit from the online setting approach as they can be with their kids, etc. while still participating in a class. Lastly, asynchronous classes are also beneficial for both groups as attendance is not required and work can be completed without a hard deadline. 

Our pod incorporated a variety of resources when designing our IRL. We used various mediums of teaching materials such as textbooks, journal articles, and youtube video clips to ensure students are able to learn with their most effective method. Each video provided in our ILR is no more than 15 minutes long therefore both student demographics can grasp all the needed information in the shortest amount of time. Videos can also be played while doing other activities to ensure maximum efficiency. Further, video clips are effective for ELL learners as this teaching method uses various sensors such as visuals and audio. This assists ELL students with their learning as they are able to draw on the information provided and make connections. This method challenges the communication barriers ELL students may face.

Incorporating inclusive design in any learning resource is fundamental in creating an encouraging learning environment for all students.


Chandrashekar, S. (2021). What is Inclusive Design for Learning? D2L.

Schwartz, L. (2020). Helpful Online Resources for Teaching ELLs. Edutopia.’%20learning,follow%20at%20their%20own%20pace.&text=In%20a%20classroom%2C%20ELLs%20can,rotate%20through%20centers%20or%20stations.